Old Mac Gamesalad File does not open on PC
I was working on a game for a while like 3 years ago on the Mac. But then sold my Mac but still have the files. And stopped working on it because I started a study that required lots of time. I was wondering if you guys know if there is a way to make the gamesalad file work again on Windows. Please let me know if there is a way because I also don't know anyone with a Mac computer.
I'm pretty sure I've done this in the past, with Mac-only example projects from online, when i used my PC (now using Mac)...
I didn't think there was much involved (just renaming the proj file, etc I think), but my memory's admittedly hazy! - anyone else here done it recently/have a better memory than me?
Maybe it needs to be pulled out on a Mac first, using "Show Package Contents" or whatever that option is called (at work at the mo, so can't easily check!) - in which case I'm more than happy to have a go for you, rename/recreate the .gameproj file accordingly, zip up the resulting files/structure, test it on my PC version, then send it on if it worked?
Have you tried changing the file name to a .gsproj
But first make a copy in case this screws things up. Some older files may/not open on the PC version either.
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try this:
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Thanks for the quick replies guys! Much appreciated! I will go and try out these things and see if it works.
Making a dummy project on PC, save it and dragging the gameproj file in the mac's project folder fixed my problem !!!