IAP actor doesn't do anything.
Hi all,
I will be the 13234th person asking the same question. i know i been reading through all gamesalad forums and watched Guru's video over and over. and I am very sorry asking the same... just couldn't figure it out.
whenever i adhoc test - touch "remove Ad" actor from first scene. It doesn't do anything. it doesn't even give me an error.
In gamesalad view (i know it's not supported) but it at least gives me the result of what i clicked.
Just with my iphone and testing account made from itunes connect, It does NOTHING. like touching the empty actor.
so on my first scene i have an actor called "remove Ad" and inside of this "remove Ad".
IAP request purchase - IAP Buy Item - Rule when touch pressed - rule text expression (table,1,5) is purchased - change attribute game.noad to true
change table value to true - (another table for the IAP check followed from Guru's tutorial)
timer 0.03 - Save table
Am i doing something wrong? more i read the forums and unrelated stuff, i get more confusion. i know i am the 13234th person asking the same.
Thanks everyone for not commenting a word. very terrified! lol
got this fixed. Since i'm very generous and kind i will tell you what i've done.
I read through the forums over and over and remembered someone was talking about NOT TO USE EXPRESSION EDITOR when using in-app behaviours. So i went back to my game and damn! there!
Thanks to the guy who has a rabbit picture on his profile.( sorry cant remember the ID now) i think i got it from you.
I learned a lot today by looking all sorts of solutions. uploading and fixing at least 20 times..
to the newbies like me. when testing In App Purchase - You need a TestFlight and PLEASE create a sandbox ID, (you can find that in Also Please test after submitting the App using TestFlight. (itunes connect - Users and roles - you can create both TestFlight and sandbox accounts there.)
Sorry for a long post but its worths reading for noobs like me. they are very terrified right now.
lol sorry for incorrect sentences.. had a tough day.. lol
I'm glad you got it sorted out! I wasn't the first person to mention the expression editor, I think that was @colander(?) Doesn't matter though as long as you got it working!
Check out my IAP tutorial template for a lot of advice on how IAP works and some methods of testing it (to some extent) in the GS creator and/or viewer.
And you can't possibly expect to get responses within a few hours of posting, especially when your post is during the night for lots of the world :P
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype: armelline.support
@Armelline It was you!!! yes yes i remember you!! Thanks for the great advise all time, I found your answers very helpful. although i have to mention some other skilled guys doesn't give us the straight answers.. well, still learning so.. oh! while you are here.. Can i ask one more? the remove AD actor i have will it remove the both iAD and chartboost by game.noAd = true then no show banner and untick the box change scene. will this work?