Why do my GIANT images look terrible

FlyboyTrevy_FlyboyTrevy_ Member, PRO Posts: 148

I have yet to try this with a real graphic or picture, but I just wanted a circle for one of my actors. So I quickly made a colored circle in photoshop, and it was frigging massive, like 2000 / 2000 pixels, to ensure it would be of the highest quality when scaled downward in game salad. So I save it, put it in game salad, and its super chunky and blocky. So then I make one thats like 200 / 200, and its only a little pixely. WTF

Why does the higher fidelity image look far worse???


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    edited January 2015

    WTF indeed.

    It might be that your 2000 pixel image is getting cropped (are you getting a warning message when importing it?) or it might be that you aren't using 72 dpi images.

    Are you using a solid color or a gradient fill?

    What is the size of the actor you're applying the image to?

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  • RPRP Member Posts: 1,990
    edited January 2015

    As @tatiang just mentioned the image DPI is likely the cause.

    Open your image in Preview and up under the Apple menu > select Tools > Show Inspector. This will tell you right away. If you see anything other than 72 DPI, you can quickly change it in Preview. Go to Tools > Adjust size > Set the Resolution to 72 pixels/inch. All is good.

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