The control camera is not working. Why?
I am having trouble trying to find out why the control camera behavior is not working. I have checked twice and only my main character has the control camera behavior. If you have any ideas to why its not working, PLEASE tell me.
I can tell you what the problem is - if you tell me why the actor in my game won't move right.
Deal ?
sure, what do you mean your actor won't move right? Describe it some more.
Basically, I'm having trouble trying to find out why it is not working, I have checked it twice and my actor should move right, If you have any ideas as to why its not working then throw them my way !
what are the behaviors you have that make the actor move?
Anyways, if you know why the control camera behavior does not work in my game, please tell me.
Bingo !
That's me sorted, now how about you ?
Ok, I fully understand what you mean by "That's me sorted" but ok! As I said I need help to find out why my control camera behavior does not work.
My first guess is going to be that the actor that you have placed the Control Camera behaviour on is locked (i.e 'Moveable' is unchecked) so it is not able to move ?
My guess would be that the camera tracking areas is not set correctly, click on the little camera button next to preview and adjust the camera view.
Don't have much info to go on here..
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Another guess would be that the actor with the Control Camera behaviour is on the actor but switched off - or on a similar theme the Move behaviour that is moving the Control Camera actor might be switched off or nested in a rule that is switched off - or maybe the scene is not big enough to allow the camera to move - also there might be a Constrain behaviour on the Control Camera actor that is preventing it from moving - or perhaps the keyboard command that moves the Control Camera actor is set up wrong . . . ?
How many of these do you want ? I can definitely do another 20-30 at least ?
yea, none of your guesses helped. But it would be great to hear the other 20-30 guesses!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I figured it out!!!!! I had a layer in gamesalad, and I forgot to select scrollable!!!! And when I selected it, and then played the game, the game would scroll!!!!