Actor size changing after animation is run...
Hey guys,
Like the title of this discussion states, I am having trouble with the size of my actor being squished when running my animation.
To solve this, I made a new attribute to change the size before the animation is activated and this seemed to work!
However, now after the animation plays and I "Restore actor image when done", how do I also restore my actors original size attributes?
Hope this makes sense. Any help is greatly appreciated!
When self.Image = firstFrame.png
Change attribute self.Size.Width to _____
Change attribute self.Size.Height to _____
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Thanks @tatiang for the help! This helps with the sizing of my actor during the animation. But the original actor before and after the animation is squished...
I tried to add the same rule for both original actor and animated actor but the size change only seems to work for one...
Any advice?
Can you post a screenshot of your rules? You'll need to upload it to a file-sharing site first.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
You got it!
So, I've been using the tutorial by Tshirtbooth for swiping, found here:
My goal: When a player swipes right, my actor's animation is played. Once animation is done the actor returns to original position/size.
Here are my rules.
You can see that the actors original size is 96 width x 124.32 height.
During animation I would like the size to be 124.32 width x 96 height, and then reset to original size after animation plays.
Change it to the size you need it to be.
@Socks Based on my screenshot, didn't I already set in the original size of 96 x 124.32 in the Attributes box on the left, within the drop down size?
I've tried adding a new "Change Attribute" behavior to switch the size back to it's original, but then it seems the animation sizing reverts back to being squished...
If you need your actor to change between two size you would need two rules - one for each size - I only see one.
Good call @Socks !! This worked
Once again, you the man!