Animation stops when I click.
Hey guys,
I've run into another problem with the animation of my game...
When I run the animation of my actor (which is 18 frames) it runs perfect all the way through...Unless I click in the middle (during) the animation. It then immediately stops and reverts to my original actor, without finishing the entire animation.
How would I prevent my animation from stopping if someone were to click during the animation?
Thanks in advance!
You are aware that GameSalad projects are made up from code which is built from behaviours and conditions and rules and attributes and so on ? And it's all this stuff in combination that makes a particular project do what it does ?
I'm literally puzzled (seriously !) when these kinds of questions come up, and they come up a lot (which means I spend a lot of time puzzled
@Socks I am fully aware of the rules and behaviors of Gamesalad. Just thought being the new guy with little coding experience, I could get some friendly advice in the forums to help guide me in the right direction...
@AsOfLatte ,
I guess @Socks is pointing out to you that your problem is obviously related to how you coded it, yet you give us no hint of how you implemented it. How are we then supposed to give you suggestions?
Sure you can, that's exactly what the forums are for !!
But I think you are missing the point (or maybe I've not made it very well), like I say this kind of question happens all the time and I'm left genuinely puzzled at the approach . . .
Let me put it like this:
When I run my calculation (which has 18 numbers in it) it runs just as I would expect it to run...Unless I swap two of the numbers around. Then it fails to work as I would expect it to work
How should I prevent my calculation from failing to work when I swap two numbers around ?
Would you be able to solve this issue for our hypothetical mathematician ?
Damn you Hopscotch ! You gave the game away !
Basically . . . yes !!! . . . this is not aimed at AsOfLatte (I only just got the pun!!
) particularly, it's a general comment, but it seems to be an increasingly common thing, people - I guess - have a screen full of code made up from rules, behaviours, conditions, attributes (with various values) and various interactions between all this stuff, it's all there on the screen in front of them, they are free to scroll through it all, check it, test it, open the 'otherwise' sections and so on . . . and even with this access they are unable to work out an issue that is causing the code to behave in an unexpected way.
So, the thought seems to be: "I know, I will simply describe the results of what this code produces, and maybe someone can reverse-engineer these results to somehow construct the original code in their heads and scan through it all looking for the mistake" !
Or an analogy I've used before.
"I have a calculation, it consists of 17 numbers and 4 operators (+ x = and /), the result I should get is 2040, but I keep getting 2280, can someone please tell me where I am going wrong"
At which stage I wonder why someone wouldn't simply show us the calculation itself, this would make it trivial to solve, instead of hoping someone might work their way through the millions of possible combinations in the hope of chancing across a calculation using 17 numbers and 4 operators that could produce the two given results if you were to factor in a simple error.
. . . . . . .
Shortened version - which is the easier to answer ?
This is my result, 104, it's wrong, it should be 54, does anyone know why it doesn't work ?
Response: Hmmm, not sure, maybe something to do with tables or the accelerometer ?
. . . . . . .
This is my result, 104, it's wrong, it should be 54, here is my calculation [26 + 26 x 2], does anyone know why it doesn't work ?
Response: I think that last 'x2' should be '+2' ?