[SOLVED!] ...Really could do with some urgent Google Play IAP advice please guys!
Hi all - I'm trying to implement an IAP test in Catflap using Armelline's comprehensive advice...
However, despite ALL of my settings in Android Dev Console, GameSalad Publishing Console, the IAP set up and live, etc, I'm constantly getting the attached message! - It's driving me MAD, as I only have today before I'm stacked with work again and will have to put this on hold for a week and a half!
I'm also concerned by what I should be putting in the Services -> Google screen? - I really think it's screwed? - It just shows the following, regardless of the browser I choose, or PC/Mac - even inspecting the elements gives no more info on what I'm presuming SHOULD be there? - Basically, one line heading (unclickable) saying "Instructions" and NOTHING else, and a box below to input something. Initially it was blank, so I hoped it was maybe for the key. I popped that in (hey, I'm clutching at straws here), and rebuilt/republished/tested, and nope, didn't resolve it.
I'm aware that GSHelper etc have examples, and I was tempted to buy the template, but in all honesty Armelline's generous instructions seem to have it WORKING, apart from this issue - the logic is sound, and it's TRYING to buy the IAP, just throwing up this incorrect error - it's DEFINITELY ticked for the publishing, and I've unticked and re-ticked it to make sure!
Cheers in advance all...
Den / Japster
Have you a) got yourself a Google Wallet, b) proved your billing address in your GP settings?
The only other thing I can think of, is to upload your apk again and re-generate it/download/assign and upload to Google
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Thanks for the fast response mate - yep, Google Wallet etc is all working fine - I'm showing sales and figures for the full version I released earlier!
I'd also tried re-generating, uploading, but no joy...
Also, apologies for the delay! - Internet was abysmal earlier, only just got it back usable!
- might have been related - now working fine, and made my first purchase!
Thanks again!