Amazon rejection due to sound playing after leaving app

DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

This has been a problem for me for a long time - but my apps have always been accepted (until now).
This is the Amazon rejection email I've received:

Your app has failed a test case.

Bug Description:Functionality Fail.

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Install and launch the app
2.tap on new game
3.Tap on device home button or device back button, game sound is still heard.

I'm using stable build 0.12.10.
Does anyone know a fix for this??



  • lkmadlkmad Member Posts: 117

    Oh no, about to submit mine too. :neutral_face:

  • RedRoboRedRobo Member, PRO Posts: 682

    Make sure music is .m4a and uses the play music behavior.

    Make sure only sound effects use the play sound behavior and are .ogg.

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    @strag‌ - it's sound effects that are causing the problem for me.
    I've used .wav files, and always have for past 3 years without being aware of this as an issue.

    Are you sure it's definitely down to them needing to be .ogg??

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    I've now tested this with .WAV and .OGG files and it makes no difference - sound continues to play when you press the back/home button on Android.

    Is there a solution??

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited January 2015

    I think its a generic problem as i remember people complaining about the sound still playing when GS kindly (cough cough) uploaded all our games to Amazon.

  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764

    I had this issue and I used the hibernate function with a pause music and in the other section I put a un-pause game, I put this on every scene worked for me.

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    @BBEnk - do you know if that fix works for Sound as well as Music?
    The music in my game stops as expected - but its the sound effects which are causing the issue and continue to play.

  • BBEnkBBEnk Member Posts: 1,764

    I never tried it with sound, my issues was with music not stopping, are you looping sound?

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    @Hopscotch - Some sounds are pretty long... 30 sec+ (VO narration etc) but prefer to keep them as sound effects so that I can have music too.

    @BBEnk - Generally the sounds are not looped. I've also tried checking/unchecking run to completion to see that makes any difference. It doesn't.

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782
    edited January 2015

    @DigiChain said:
    Hopscotch - Some sounds are pretty long... 30 sec+ (VO narration etc) but prefer to keep them as sound effects so that I can have music too.

    I see. In this case try expanding on the suggestion from @BBEnk‌. Add a

    Change Attribute game.Audio.Sound Volume = 0

    on Hibernate, and back to 1 in the "otherwise" section.

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288


    Ah, that sounds like a very good idea. I'll give that a go...

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Did the hibernate behaviour change? I remember a GS staffmember saying before that "On hibernate" was specifically aimed at the Nook devices.

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    No - just tested using the hibernate behaviour and it doesn't work.

    I think I've been lucky getting games onto Amazon until now as these issues have been present for a long time. Maybe Amazon are getting strict on the rules now.

    Looks like Amazon isn't an option until GS sort this out :'(

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    I will work on getting this fixed after we get iOS 64bit support out the door. I bump up the bug importance.

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    Great! Thank you.

  • RedRoboRedRobo Member, PRO Posts: 682

    I had an app rejected by Amazon because it continued playing music when going into hibernate. My problem was that I was using the play sound behavior for the music. If you do that it does not pause on hibernate. I changed it to a play music behavior (must be m4a) and it worked. I know this is a different issue to yours but just wanted to share what I learnt.

  • neomanneoman Member, BASIC Posts: 826
    edited January 2015

    @strag said:
    I had an app rejected by Amazon because it continued playing music when going into hibernate. My problem was that I was using the play sound behavior for the music. If you do that it does not pause on hibernate. I changed it to a play music behavior (must be m4a) and it worked. I know this is a different issue to yours but just wanted to share what I learnt.

    I have got around that issue by importing the looping sounds as music (MP3 files) and not sounds. If the sound is not set to loop you will not have a problem but if it loops it will continue to play when the device is in hibernation. My suggestion is to try importing your looping sounds as music files MP3 format or m4a and see if that fixes your Android issue. It worked for me on my latest game.

  • lkmadlkmad Member Posts: 117

    @neoman‌ but if you already have looping music, then you can't use looping music (the sound fx) atop looping music right?

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    The music option would work if you only need to play one file - but you can't play multiple music files at the same time.

    @neoman‌ - all sounds are causing the problem for me (not just loops). Most of the time you won't notice because your effects may only be 1 or 2 seconds long, but if you have longer sound effects and press home/back midway through them playing they will continue to play until the end.

  • neomanneoman Member, BASIC Posts: 826
    edited January 2015

    @lkmad Yes unfortunately if you already have looping music playing and start a new looping music instant in the same scene the original one will stop ... :'( In my game I didn't have any looping music in my first scene so it worked.

    @DigiChain Yes you have a point. You have a high quality problem. My issue was a lot simpler than that and the looping music fixed it. In my experience Android and Tizen are a bit of a hit and miss. The same project works fine on IOS but I always have to implement work arounds for Android and Tizen. Hopefully BlackCloakGS will fix the issue soon as it has been around for a very long time and you can publish your project soon. It will be bumped up on the bug list which is a good sign ... :smile:

  • lkmadlkmad Member Posts: 117

    does the hibernate idea that was mentioned work for Android (other than Amazon)?

    I'm also interested in whatever other workarounds one needs to address for the Android as I won't be able to test it myself. @neoman

    Sorry to hog your thread @DigiChain!

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    @Ikmad - no the hibernate doesn't work work for android in my experience. It won't be an issue getting your game onto Google Play though as they have no review procedure.

  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881

    Google play accepts indeed. My last game has this problem too.

  • lkmadlkmad Member Posts: 117

    @DigiChain okay, I guess I can submit as is then, and then update to fix it once the bug is resolved.

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