How does work singing certificate....???!!! very confused
I am developping 2 apps, let s say App1 and App2. I have one provisionning profile for both.
I generate App1 and the App2... Both are working perfectly when I add them manually via Xcode Device for beta test.
Then (later on, another day), I publishing, generating and signing the other one. Then I go on App Loader, choose the zip file of App2. App Loader shows me App1 !!! Howcome?
Should I have 2 provisionning profile? I get **very very very confused **when it comes to publishing or beta test....! Apple is not "intuitive" at all when it comes to publish( intern tester extern tester sandbox...!!!???!!!).
I followed the step said in the tutorial. But when it comes to "distribution profile", it doesn't work. I deleted keys...etc!
Also both of my app have the same "app id". Is that normal?
You need a provisioning profile (adhoc) for each individual app. You would also need provisioning profile (App Store) for each final distribution.
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only one provisionning profile? Or one for each?

because I receive this:
2 games=
2 Provisioning Store +
2 Provisioning Adhoc
you need 4 Provisionings
for each you make provisioning Store and Adhoc(also name them like this to avoid confusion APP NAME ADHOC + APP NAME STORE)
If you upload via the application loader you need to sign the app with the Store Provision of the correct app
My Apps
Ok thanks.