Game Center upload practices
hey everyone, after over a year of working on game salad my game is nearing completion and I am now implementing PRO features into the game. I was wonder about game center uploading. I watched @The_Gamesalad_Guru 's game center video that was helpful. I was wondering about methods to make sure a high score gets uploaded, for example what if the player got a high score while not connected to the internet? I don't want it to upload the high score every time they login because it will just go over their previous high score and change the date that they achieved it. Is this something people program into their games or do you think it is something developers don't care about, wondering if I am making a problem out of nothing.
Well I kind of feel thats the whole purpose of the high least I would want my newest highscore to post.
On one game I had it save the highscore in the always stayed there but had a "post high score" button and only posted it when they chose to post.
Does this sound like what you want. I still auto login in at first scene though...if internet is available when they are ready it would do so.
I just make sure the post highscore button is on a different scene than the auto login scene.
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@Thunder_Child i see how that would help, however in the high scores they have "all time" "this week" and "today." Not sure how big of a deal it is, or if anyone would actually keep hitting the post high score button, but your suggestion might be the best to ensure that someones high score doesn't miss getting posted. The all time high score is more important than the other two anyway.
I agree. Not to many people with a mobile device go very long without the net access.
I can see being top dog in leaderboards for the day if playing against a 1000 people...2-3 however is not an issue. All time trumps all anyhoo :*
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Another option I have tried is to have auto login at startup of game...(scene 1)...then if you happen to have a save attribute and load on the game level scene (scene 2) as an auto post...even if you have a manual post as I way or another...via manual or auto at soon as they have access to internet...score posts.
It only takes .10-.50sec to request and post if its going to...assuming they have a solid/fast connection.
Same as iAds being requested and viewed...pretty fast.
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I have recommended for a while to not use the if game.score > that game.highscore method because of this very reason. Get rid of the post score button(my opinion) and just have the score automatically post at the end of every round, it will not override the Game Center score if it posts and is lower than the previous achieved score.
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@lovejoy what if the scores are equal? My game is a long level based game, lets say someone set a highscore while they were not online so the score just saved on their highscore list in the game. If from the games main menu if I always had it post the high score when connecting would it only override if the high score is greater than, not just if it is equal?