Are in-app purchases working on Apple?

DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

I have a game with in-app purchases on Apple (published with GS 0.12.10)

When I attempt to make an in-app purchase using my apple account I get the pop-up - 'In-app Purchase Successful', and the item unlocks in the game.

However, as soon as I press OK another pop-up appears saying 'In-app Purchase Failed'. I'm not billed by apple for the purchase, but the item remains unlocked in the game.

Is anybody else experiencing this??


  • JPGamesFactoryJPGamesFactory Member, PRO Posts: 174

    uhm.. Very strange , with new inapp the status of purchase is load from Apple server. If is failed why unlock and save your purchase.

    Do you have put the rule in correct place?

    If "inapp" is "purchased".....
    Unlock an save inApp

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    Well - my setup seems to be working fine on Google Play and Amazon.
    My rules within the purchase button are very simple. I've attached a grab.

    Can anyone see anything wrong with this??

  • JPGamesFactoryJPGamesFactory Member, PRO Posts: 174

    Try to write the word purchased, with quotation mark.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376
    edited January 2015

    Make a test build that displays the contents of cell 1,5 throughout the process. Check that it is changing successfully from unpurchased to pending to purchased.

    Double check that the IAP item "alarm" is correctly set up in iTunes Connect.

    That said, if the purchased conditions are being met and the game.AlarmPURCHASED attiribute is being set, it's probably not a problem with the logic shown. Do you have other purchases available? My first guess would be that another purchase attempt is being triggered at the same time.

    If the item is unlocking in the game, though, what happens if you delete the game, then install it again and restore purchases? If the purchase gets restored, and you've ruled out the above, there's a good chance the problem isn't your end.

    You say you're not getting billed, which implies you're talking about a published game. Apple are generally very particular about IAP working, and test it very thoroughly. It's rare broken IAP gets past them. I'd double check your IAP setup in your iTunes Connect very carefully.

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    @Armelline - Thanks, I used your tutorial template to help me setup the shop (though my setup is stripped down version!).

    Interestingly I have just received an invoice from Apple for the in-app purchase so it seems it did work... although it still displayed the 'In-app purchased Failed' pop-up.

    My thoughts are that perhaps my apple account is somehow at fault? My registered bank card has just been replaced, so I wonder if this upset the payment system!

    I was also testing using a version of the game which hasn't been made live to the public yet - and was downloaded with a promo-code. Can this make a difference to how in-apps are handled?

    Hmm... perhaps I should just make the version live and see if I start making in-app sales.

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    It definitely sounds like the problem is outside the app. If you've confirmed that two purchases aren't being triggered at once - one that succeeds, one that fails - I'd definitely get it tested on another device/account.

    I don't think it being live to the public makes any difference, as long as you downloaded a non-test build and the app has passed Apple's review.

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    Yeah hopefully will be able to test on another account later today.

    I've also just done as you suggested - deleted from device and reinstalled.
    When I hit 'restore' it asked for my apple password, and then restored the in-apps I'd purchased.

    This has to mean it's working right??

  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    Yes, that definitely looks like it's working.

  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288

    Thanks for the help Armelline!

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