Actor fall off screen and dies
I need help making my game so when my character is going up he isn't able to go back down to areas he's already been, like if he goes too far down he dies. I need help with making it so when he touches bottom of the screen and he dies but also the only problem is the control came keeps the character in the middle of the screen and he can't fall down to touch the wall because he stays in middle of screen with camera until he goes ally they way to the bottom of the whole scene, he can't touch the wall. Please help.
You are asking a bit much. You need to make a start and post here when you have a specific problem and the community will help you with it. You can start learning GS by going to the Cookbook and you can watch GS video tutorials here
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
Making your character die.
At the bottom of the screen, create an actor (you dont need any fancy art for this) and extend it so it covers the entire length of the area you want him to die at. Then, name this actor Deathzone or something that you will remember is the death area.
Then, drag this actor into the collide tags.
In your character, create a rule
If name of your character overlaps/collides with (DEATHZONE) this will be in a the drop down.
You can place in your death animations here too.
The video below will help with movement

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