Ad network :p
I've been searching the forums for "the best ad network for iOS and Android", found a few older threads but nothing new so I thought I'll start another thread for the beginning of 2015
What ad network would you recommend for:
a - iOS
b - Android
Feel free to write why you would choose that as well.
As I only currently build for iOS devices...I chose to use iADs. I cant say which is better to use as a result. I can say if using iADs...a good oractice to use to create the highest fill rate to recieve max value for an iAD...I have tested this extensively.
Do everything you can to allow an iAD to be shown for at least 45 seconds. After 45 sec Apple iADs refresh to another ad.
With the new popluar reward systems people are starting to use..."view ad for free coins" I have in a game soon to be released..."soon"...I have a button that that litterally says "View AD for FREE Coins".
When pressed I disable all functions of the game..except for a timer inside an actor off screen that says (Rule) When attribute "view ad" is true...(timer)...for 45 seconds "display banner ad"....I have a second (Rule) that off screen actor that says "After 45 sec "change attribute" view ad to false. In my actors that I am disabling I have a true false rule as well to do the disabling.
Anyways...this makes the ad worth its max value according to Apples impression rules.
I use the example of Flappy Bird may die every 20 seconds and an ad is displayed...he was not recieving full value of the ad...however...the guy had his ads being viewed by hundreds of thousand of people a day so he was still making huge bank.
I hear Chartboost is good and if we ever get the chance for viewing video ads we can expect better revenue with ads in GS games.
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Thanks TC, for your views and the tips!
You got me thinking in other directions as well with the timer thing, I had not thought of that!
Feel free to share any other words of wisdom
Your certainly welcome.
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@Thunder_Child, you can display Chartboost Video ads right now.
Just not Rewarded ones.
So, your method would work on normal video ads as well. Just set them to "not skippable" in Chartboost.
Two main drawbacks/problems are
fillrate, this is much lower than for static interstitials. If no ad can be served, nothing is shown.
if you choose the "not skippable" option, but the user has seen the ad before (which happens often in video ads), then it will be skippable irrespective.