iphone 6 resolution and art size (clear up)
ok so I've searched on these forums for answers. and came up with different ones....
then ran into this and was bit confused... http://www.paintcodeapp.com/news/iphone-6-screens-demystified
so i understand we double the size when doing art work in photoshop. but which one for the iPhone 6 plus?
and when done for iPhone 6 plus does that fit for iPhone 6? or do we do the other way around.. make are for iPhone 6 and it'll fit the plus?
from what i read its better to shrink.
thanks for the replies...
From what I understand you 2x your images for iPhone 6+ just like any other platform. The extra .3 is handled internally by the device.
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so we do the downsampling size 1080x1920 times 2.... or 1242x2208 times 2?
To be clear make you art 2x actor size for example on iPhone 6+ a full screen size actor in portrait is 540 x 960 so make the art for it 1080 x 1920. If an actor is 100 x100 your art should be 200 x 200. Most of us tend to over think this, I know I did.
If you want your game to run on older devices test it with RI unchecked if it crashes try it with RI checked and make sure you do it in Creator and on the publishing server. This only applies to iOS devices and doesn't change the size of the images for anything else. I mean if you create a game on an iOS platform and check RI and want to publish to a non iOS device it won't change the image sizes for Android, Windows, etc.
When you publish with RI checked only the iOS devices will get two extra sets of smaller images for non retina devices. All non iOS devices will get the 2x images. This means older or cheaper Android devices will might not cope and crash.
I am sure this is the case it makes sense but there is a possibility I could be wrong. I have asked for confirmation of this before @BlackCloakGS three times but no one bothered to answer it. It would be nice to have an answer.
Also the project size will be larger with 2x images and even larger again for iOS devices. This is because GS takes the 2x images and adds a set of images at 2/3 size for non retina devices like iPad 1 and iPhone 4 and another set at 1/3 size for legacy devices like iPhone 3.
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ok perfect and thanks a lot for the break down. just one last question. for a background art to fill the whole iPhone 6 plus display.. whats the ppi on that?
sorry had to notify u
People recommend making your artwork 72ppi, but that's just so that imported images that are dragged directly into the actors panel make an actor at the same pixel dimension as the image - beyond that minor convenience the ppi of an image is irrelevant, make it anything you want, 40,000ppi or 7ppi, it'll make no difference to the final result.
crap.. i didnt mean the ppi. the resolution is what i meant. for iPhone 6 plus it shows 1242 × 2208 and down samples to 1080 × 1920, so lets say i want to make a image for a background. which one is the one i use? 1242 × 2208 or 1080 × 1920. and do these fit into iPhone 6 regular.