Using the new RC 0.12.20 and lost 2days worth of progress.
Don't know why.. cmd+s is my habit so i doubt i didn't save.
I don't know if its Macbook or Gamesalad.. I lost 2 days worths... been working whole weekend and...just came back to check.. I don't know what to do. Any Ideas?
Were you working on a single GameSalad file throughout the entire development or were you saving incremented versions ?
I kind a get what you saying, i checked all my hard drives if i have saved under different extension but i was not able to find one.
He is saying you should always save and create new versions as you develop your game. If the current one gets corrupted or lost you can go back to the previous version and continue on. At the very most you should only loose an hours work.
Universal Binary Template - Universal Binary Template Instructions Rev 4 (Short) - Custom Score Display Template
Doesn't the mac version create a temp file/version? The PC version does. I noticed it created a temp file in the User documents.
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