Ribbit Match It! Release Party!

jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Hey Everyone! My very first app (a children's game keep in mind) has been approved!

I would appreciate anyone who has any children who like shapes games (ages 3-5) to review. Otherwise adults are welcome to play, with an open mind :) I understand this isn't going to hold anybody's attention who is over the age of 5, but I would be grateful for any positive reviews.

Here are ten promo codes. I have plenty more if necessary.



Oh.. I can also email you... So email me if you prefer: jweaver911 (at) g mail .com

Oh.. and If you give me a positive review, I will give you one of two options. Either I'll return the favor, or I will give you a virtual high-five! YOUR CHOICE!


  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439

    Sorry.. Forgot to fix the link. :)

  • peachpellenpeachpellen Member Posts: 977
    I haven't got my i-device yet, but hopefully mid next month - so I can't actually help you in the slightest.

    That said, I still wanted to wish you luck for your creative post.

    May I have a free virtual high five, please? :)
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439

    Thanks for posting! I hope some people help me out :) I've done my best to get people reviews when I can ;)

    Here's a screenshot!

    (I'm not sure how to directly embed images into this crazy forum yet — its not as straight forward as other boards)
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    I can't use promo codes unless they're for the Aussie store :(
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    I took 9WNEAJ3RE4AL

    My kids are a little older, but I think I can give a relevant review. Best of luck to you!

    I've got one in review, I'll send you a promo code when it's out.
  • DaneC020DaneC020 Member Posts: 90
    TRRA4NPP7AY4 used.. I think the game is well made and would appeal to the young kids. The only suggestion I have is to make it more challenging after completing the first ten or so shapes. You could have them eat more than one shape per round to make it more interesting. Having to wait three seconds between each shot is going to nake kids anxious, so i think by incorporating more task to the level will increase the attention span.

    Good work!
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    Thanks everyone!
    *HighFive to Polygame* for posting :)

    design219, You can count me in!

    Dane, Thanks for the feedback! I'm totally in agreement with you. That was my main concern was the timing/lack of change later on...I just wish GS didn't make doing it such a chore(i.e. without arrays, the randomization is tricky) and doing multiple random shapes for the choice seems trickier! :) I will see what I can do. Thanks again!
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    anyone else? Please?! Do it for the children!...

    ....or at least my child. It's due in October! :)
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    Hey butterbean... You're a master if kids games. Could you give me your thoughts? ;)
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    Hey, I rock at this game!

    Seriously, I really do.

    Very nice work. I think this one should do well. At first I looked at the directions and thought, oh, could be a little too much, but then I thought, geez, a parent is going to help a little kid get started, and then I hit play and realized you don't even need the directions... the audio directions were excellent.

    I like your artwork, audio and gameplay. I guess if I had to offer suggestions for a future update, I would say maybe flesh out the "rewards" with different "you win" messages so kids have something else to look forward to, or maybe a little "distraction" animation like a random duck swimming by or dragon flies, or maybe a little color switching on the harder setting.

    Anyway, well done. Best of luck with it.
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    Oh, one more suggestions. If the kid doesn't do anything for a minute, make a really scary monster jump out of the water. Yeah, that would be awesome.
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    design219 said:
    Oh, one more suggestions. If the kid doesn't do anything for a minute, make a really scary monster jump out of the water. Yeah, that would be awesome.

    LOL... That's hilarious. Actually, I thought the fact that the shapes go nuts after about a minute was enough torture. ;) hehe.

    Thanks for the feedback! I sincerely appreciate it. I was trying to make it easy enough to get into without any need for reading, for the kid's sake.

    I like your idea about the rewards too! I was actually thinking about making a fish pop up out of the water every now and then. A dragonfly would be cool!

    I'm going to try to work on an update over the next few days. I really want to get rid of the "loads" too; so I think I may try and cram all of the "levels/rounds" into one scene... Thoughts?

    Thanks for taking the time!

    Oh.. and bonus Free High Five for you Design219! *Smack*
    Even though I'm going to pay you back with a review on your next one :)
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    Hey everyone! I still have a few high fives to give out!

    Oh... Some promo codes too. ;)
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Sent you an email!
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    Sent :) Thanks for the suggestions and help everyone!
  • 2D-Sprite-Box2D-Sprite-Box Member Posts: 72

    Going to review

    I don't want a positive review on my Fade Out game unless it deserves it, so if you'd check out my game and review it, that'd be great.

    My thread http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=7771
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    Thanks 2D-Sprite-Box

    I will check yours out later tonight :) I will be honest/positive.
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