Adjusting Window Size for Mac Apps
When testing my Mac app on a MacBook, the window fills the entire screen and I am not able to drag the corner of the window to adjust the size. Is there any way to implement this? Thanks
When testing my Mac app on a MacBook, the window fills the entire screen and I am not able to drag the corner of the window to adjust the size. Is there any way to implement this? Thanks
When you click on "Publish" in the Gamesalad Creator, it takes you to the Gamesalad Publishing site.
In this area there is a check box that reads "Start App fullscreen by default.", Make sure that is not checked.
Also, you should be able to hit the escape key when testing your app and this should take you out of the full screen mode, i would think.
Yes I know about the fullscreen option, and it is not checked. My problem is that, in windowed mode, the window takes up the entire screen, and there is no option for the user to resize it.
Please submit a feature request.