New stable 12.20 release
I got the 12.20 so I could upload to apple with 64 bit, but I was going to publish and it said RC still and said CAUTION: EXPERIMENTAL BUILD NOT FOR PRODUCTION on the bottom. Am I supposed to ignore this? I am sure I downloaded the stable version as well.
Can't reproduce this.
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I downloaded it last it was an actual pop up message...i did not see RC message on this one. I can say thank you so much for this...even if prior to GS13. Very "stable" and I can actually produce with it...and no apparent memory leaks.
Whoever is the guru behind finally fixing that has my Hero vote.
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Hmmmm I may have spoke to soon...there are...issues. In the inspector...actors overlap the actor/attribute/scene area...not centered. In images...of the 30-35 images I have in my project, I was able to see only one....and now...since I cant click the close GS pop up...the issue only goes away if I logout...
Its happened only a couple of times. takes for ever to be able to scroll down lines of code.
AND...sorry theres one more 1.2MB project published adhoc as a 10.3MB download.
1.2MB...publishes to 10.3MB ? Thats bad.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Thanks for the help. I'll probably just wait until all the bugs are fixed and the iads.