Game art help - blurry images
I am a rookie game salad developer and I would really like to become something more. I know how to program well enough, but I have one into one major issue - and that is game art.
Currently I am using Pixen (it is a small app that lets you design pixel art and export it in .png, .gif, .jpeg etc... format) to create basic pixel art for my games. However, when I export the art from Pixen it is usually 10x10 - 30x30 pixels (which is tiny) and when I size it up in game salad it become blurry (of course). So I worked my way around this by opening the small pixel art .png in Preview, expanding it so the application takes up the whole screen, magnifying the image by pressing the magnify button a few times (it doesn't blur in Preview) then pressing Command+Shift+4 and screenshotting the area around the image. This gives me an image of the pixel art that still looks the same, but is of a much higher resolution and can be scaled in game salad without blurring. However, this method has its few vital flaws. Firstly, it is an effort. It is a huge effort to do this process for every single image I go through, especially for a set of images for animations. Speaking of animations, here arises our second problem. If I want to create an series of pictures in game salad to create an animation I have to screenshot the exact same sized box around the pixel art every time (if you get what I mean) or when I place the screenshotted pixel arts into gamesalad and make them an animation they jump around and the animation doesn't look good. I really do hope atleast one of you understands what I am saying.
So, I have access to photoshop but I have almost no experience of creating game art in it. Also, I would like to maintain the pixel style in my games but I was wondering if there was some automatic or easy way, or program, that exports basic 8-bit pixel art in high resolution so it won't blur in game salad. Thanks, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Drag the images into Photoshop and scale them up using 'nearest neighbour' as the interpolation method.
Haha thanks so much, figured it out thanks to you. I can create games now! @socks