jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
edited November -1 in Announce Your Game!
Hey everybody! After two days on the store my app has made it into the New and Noteworthy kids section!!!
I'm Excited!!! WOO!

Virtual High Fives!

I wonder if this will affect sales at all :)


  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927

    Normally I would say yes, it would help

    Unfortunately people are so into the Gameloft and EA sales noonne seems to be browsing for new titiles.

    I noticed a HUGE drop in sales.
  • AfterBurnettAfterBurnett Member Posts: 3,474
    It helped me go from one sale a day to around five. lol. I just made my app free and had a couple of hundred downloads last night... won't pay the bills, though. Good luck with it!
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    Oh ...Lame. LOL.

    Stupid Publishers.

    How long do they hang out up there in the N & N section?
  • JamesZeppelinJamesZeppelin Member Posts: 1,927
    jweaver911 said:
    Oh ...Lame. LOL.

    Stupid Publishers.

    How long do they hang out up there in the N & N section?

    It's not weekly like the main page.
    It's seems to vary. Could be day or two. My game was on there for two days. Dissapeared for a day and then came back for a day.
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    Hopefully it stays for a while because it's in the number one spot (Kid's/Family) in the banner section too! :) Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's numbers.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    @ James: I noticed the drop in sales too! What's the deal?

    Mine have started to go up some in the past few days, but it seems to be getting harder to compete in the app store!
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    Hey! My app is still hanging out on the new and noteworthy section...Interestingly enough sales aren't going very well, but reviews are still trickling in with 5 stars. I was thinking: I've been up there for over a week and would posit that your position in the section is tied to sales and reviews alone and isn't some random occurrence for when they drop you off.

    Some people on the forums here made it sound like there's no telling how or why you leave the section, yet with my sales figures I've watched it slowly ratchet down.

    Is this everyone's experience as well?
  • design219design219 Member Posts: 2,273
    This has been a tough week. My app dropped off N&N for Action, but stayed up for Arcade. Tickle Stones is still in What's Hot for entertainment, 3rd week. None are selling well at all.

    Who knows what goes on in the mind of Apple.

    The weird thing is my free game Food Fight! has been getting over 100 downloads a day in the US alone for a number of days, and I have now idea why. It's not featured anywhere (that I know of), and has been out for over 5 months.


    Nesen Probe http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/nesen-probe/id377766693?mt=8
    Tickle Stones http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tickle-stones/id363484260?mt=8
Food Fight! (free) http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/food-fight/id352646643?mt=8
  • chosenonestudioschosenonestudios Member Posts: 1,714
    Very interesting things are brewing at Apple of late.....
  • jweaver911jweaver911 Member Posts: 439
    Yeah...I guess that goes to show you, "sales" can fluctuate for the positive even months after release? ;)
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