Metroidvania game
So i've come up with an idea for a fairly complex metroidvania game, and was wondering if there was some help i could get on this. First off, there are several teams to choose from and secondly, i was looking for a surefire way to create upgrades to the player, and finally, if there is any way to create a level-up system. anyone have answers? They'd be very much appreciated.
This is a big, big endeavor. You'll find that people are more readily able to help you if you break things down into very small pieces. As an example, instead of asking about "upgrades to the player," think about how you might do this -- for example, are players going to have stats that increase by a random number each level or after a certain amount of time? -- and then ask a very specific question such as "How do I increase an integer attribute by a random number every 18 seconds?"
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What @tatiang writes here is true also @Abyss Games based on your questions your chance of success of doing this within the next few years is about 0.00001%, but hey there is still that fraction of hope