Destroy Behavior with choice of Actor
I think that'd be really useful; to add a pulldown menu to the Destroy behavior, so as to be able to have a choice of which Actor is to be destroyed in the Scene.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Sorry I can't tell if you need help or just want to share something with us, because I've got an idea to how this would work. Hehe xD
I'd be interested to know what your idea is, please...
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Attributes -
and so on...
Actors -
and so on...
Destroy Button
Menu Tab
On to how it'll work.
Have the Menu Tab actor be somewhere on another layer(for HUD)
-If Menu Tab is touched
Animate(for transition)
Change Attribute menuOpened to true
Change Image to(w/e you want) (so you can have a full drop down type menu)
For the Actor 1,2,3,etc
-If menuOpened is true and touch is released
Change Attribute actorToDestroy = 1,2,3,etc
-If destroyActor = 1
Destroy this actor (Set this up just for actor 1)
and so on...
For the Destroy Button Actor
-If menuOpened is true
Change Attribute Alpha to 1
-If menuOpened is true and touch is released and actorToDestroy = 1
Change Attribute destroyActor to 1
-If menuOpened is true and touch is released and actorToDestroy = 3
Change Attribute destroyActor to 3
and so on...
Yeah something along these lines, when I read what you had this is what i came up with at that sec, I also didn't include a close function to close the menu, but yeah here's my idea. xD
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain