Swap three
Are games like candy crush or bejewelled, actually possible with gamesalad. Every post and template i've seen has been a dead-end. I've went as early as post from 2012 on the subject, and still do not see a good working template. I am willing to pay for something like this, I just cannot find one that actually works. (no bejemmed) on gshelper.com is not what im looking for. I only want the actors to disappear when there is a match, of 3,4, or 5, and different points based on how many are connected, and spawn a special power up if 5 our connected. Please let me know if there is anyway to get this done!
This template from deep blue apps is the best iv'e seen so far.
Mental Donkey Games
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Canmot get to that file. Darren said it was broken
I've seen some nice ones on a different 3rd party site (not ours). I'll message you the direct link as posting to paid template is against the forum rules.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
What sites?