Whos geting the iPhone 4?

Well im ordering mine on monday
! But it will take 3 weeks to ship
Anyone here have one yet? How do you like it? Does it run better with gamesalad? I have a million questions haha

Anyone here have one yet? How do you like it? Does it run better with gamesalad? I have a million questions haha
Might be able to get an iPad in August too - fingers crossed!
The main problem with the iphone 4 is the reception (as shown here:http://gizmodo.com/5573281/have-you-noticed-the-iphone-reception-problem-in-practice); I've experience only one dropped call, so now I hold the iphone more carefully.
It's also very fragile, so ever time you hold it, it feels like it's gonna break...lol.
as far as GS games, they all played, but none (including other other games) seemed to pause with the multi-tasking; 'GodFinger' got updated to support iOS4 and it does work with multi-tasking and it pauses...kinda cool, but not really practical.
All apps always stay open, even after you close them (or swtich apps); so you have to manually remove them from the 'dock'.
It's pretty fast compared to 3GS, and it blows away 3G.
I could go on and on...I love it...worth the wait ;^)
I'm considering trying to make a short film shot entirely on mine when I get it - if no one else has by then, that is.
rdcube - out of interest when you dropped the call, were you holding the iPhone in your left or right hand?
Multitasking works great on my 2nd Gen Touch
@chosenonestudios, 'Angry Birds' has the multi-tasking working and it's great; I sure hope that GS allow us to support something similar.
It seems only left handed folk, or those who hold their phone that way, are having issues.
I wonder if the rubber thing will help? I might grab one to try when I get mine here.
I mean, you would hold it with your palm on one side and fingers on the back - right?
Holding it how he is .... I couldn't use it :S
Any smartphone will do this if you know exactly where the antenna is and block it. This could be called a design flaw, but the design is what allows the phone be be what it is now with all the hardware it has!
Also, I can confirm that a case eliminates the problem if you are worried!
I am IN LOVE with my iPhone 4, especially because I came from the 3G!
It was so good I had to tweet it. @CodeMonkeyGG
I didnt get 3GS, but now I have iPhone 4 (amazing by the way)! Worth the wait!
Plus if a new one comes out next year they'll let you upgrade free if you renew your contract.
That is what I'm doing anyway; can't afford it outright XD
ive already had the 2 previous gen iPhones, i have an iPad, and my siblings both have an ipod touch or an iPhone. i love iDevices!
My games now load in 3-4 second
Cheers, Weswog