How couple of actor can bounce
Hi I need to understand how 2 actors can bounce when they collide. Both
actors are movables but i need that when they collide one actor bounce and the other continue to move normally.
Actor 1 goes vertically actor 2 goes horizzontaly. when 1 collide with 2, the first bounce the second not.
I hope u understand my question.
I understand your question, let's see how well I can explain.
You'll want to change the bounciness of your actors depending on how much you want them to bounce, and other tweaks in the physics.
The actor that is not bouncing, the one that is making the other bounce, should have no rules about a collision whatsoever, just a force resisting against the bounce of the actor that is bouncing.
The actor that bounces, should have the rule collsion, so it will say this:
Bounce when colliding with actor: (select actor)
Hope this helped.