App Name? Doodle Jumper?
guys do you think that apple will refuse my application if i call it "Doodle Jumper"?
it's not at all similar to doodle jump. completely different gameplay.
its the most logical thing i can think of... its a doodle game, and the main protagonist (actor) JUMPS!!
just wanted to know if apple would refuse it because of the name... thanks!!
it's not at all similar to doodle jump. completely different gameplay.
its the most logical thing i can think of... its a doodle game, and the main protagonist (actor) JUMPS!!
just wanted to know if apple would refuse it because of the name... thanks!!
those who said "yes" could u please explain?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Here's an idea:
Call it 'Doodle Leap' and don't worry about it
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
thx QS ;D
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I don't know the reason behind it's disappearing. Lima sky could have requested it or the dev felt dumb and just deleted it. None the less it's already been done.
I dont know what conversation took place between Gendai and DPZ, when they closed the original thread, and claimed it had been resolved, but obviously it wasnt followed up on.... as the game remained on the appstore for some time....and even got updated.
Since then, theres been numerous other posts.... mostly from what appears to be the younger GS users, asking for community approval in regards to using GS for doing similar dubious projects. Seems theres a growing belief amongst some circles of the GS community that its ok to steal and profit off other developers work.
Instead of taking a firm stance, and making an example at the time, things have been left to fester and get worse.
I dont know why I'm even bothering about it to be honest... I mean if Gendai arent willing to protect their reputation, why should we, as the community try?
I started out with great hopes for GameSalad and the community, but I'm quickly growing weary of both.
i actually think that you have a really bad attitude against many people here at the gs forum. just remember that anyone here does whatever they like. The aim of GS is to bring development to everyone. that means also young people. BTW I WAS NOT ASKING YOUR APPROVAL. I was asking a SUGGESTION.
Were really sorry that we are not up to the standard you expected! A** H**e!
U r one of the people who should avoid any of these negative comments about gs. i have noticed your replies on other threads.
I'm really pi**ed off at you comment.
I found a game today called Fly Control
Doodle Jumper is not the same as Doodle Jump.
Nobody cares for similarity.
To find a unique name is already difficult on appstore.
There are many doodle jump clones. They would be rather copy right issues than a similar named app with different gameplay, still nobody cares.
Go with Doodle Jumper if you think, this is the best name for your app and still available!
Let think about the problem, when apple rejects it.
The best way to prove the pudding is to eat it.
If you can't be a good example, be a warning!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I can't bring my self to buy it to see what it's like, but from the screen shots, it doesn't look at all similar. I sort of wish it didn't imply it was a more advanced version of my game.
Nesen Probe
Tickle Stones
Food Fight! (free)
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
You can keep it!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
@POLYGAMe love that name"!!! (R-Type the Halo God of War vs Shinobi the Mutant Camel from Oddworld)!!!
Since the name was already taken by a previous app...I doubt its still available anyway.
In short...I recommend that you come up with a better/completely different name and avoid the potential problems. In should use original names...its not that hard to come up with them.
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It took me less than a minute to come up with 'Doodle Leap' based off your description. A bit longer and you could come up with something much better yourself I'm sure.
It did suspect you might have wanted to use the name to piggy back off the success of the original Doodle Jump but I didn't jump in with accusations as you seemed happy with my alternate suggestion.
Synth and others have pointed out someone else had already tried it anyway. Chunkypixels didn't single you out for this - he just said that in general people are 'trying it on' because they're not getting clear signals and guidance from Gendai.
If this wasn't your intention then fine, but I just get images of you sitting at a desk, throwing your arms up in the air and yelling 'Well, I'm out of ideas!' far too prematurely. Be honest with yourself - could you *really* not come up with a better name than Doodle Jumper on your own???
Look again at what Hunn is saying though. Why do you approve of what he says? Why is his response better than Chunky's?
Most of what he writes in his response just makes me think he lives in a moral black hole. Like I said "If you can't be a good example, be a warning!"
I'm sorry, but Chunky is right, and Hunn is wrong.
This community is excellent, and I get on with, and like, most people here.
Some are falling far too easily to the darkside though. Seriously, I'm not the fucking police. I have no right telling you guys what's right and wrong. And you all know I shouldn't have to.
The question is: Do you want to be a game designer/businessman, or a con-man? And when will Gendai step in and stamp this out?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
yeah, well anyway its not ready yet. ill decide the name later on.
no no, i have no intention of taking success of another app, it's just that the whole concept is based around an actor jumping. and it is a doodle game....
I think i could call it Jumping Doodle? ill have a look in the thesaurus for another word for Jumping!!
You know, while I agree that naming something literally is a good idea (like doodle jump - it's a doodle game, you jump!) you can also try experimenting with more abstract names.
And goliath seems to have a knack for naming games for other people too - maybe ask him?
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...