Flappy Bird type endless scrolling foreground issue
So I am making my foreground image have an endless scroll but am running into a problem. First of all I can't use the scene wrap boolean because I have other background elements that are using the same axis and are going off the screen as a parallax effect; so they would wrap too which I can't have. Currently I used one of tshirtbooth's tutorials that he used for having clouds repeat when they go off screen. However when I do this I end up getting gaps of various sizes when my wall pieces repeat. It has to be one solid endless wall. Is there an easier way to achieve this?
I made a video for this its very simple.
@BBEnk thanks a lot!
Cool Deal!
@BBEnk just used your method and it worked great thanks man! I'm noticing a very subtle jittery quality as my image scrolls. Not sure if this is just because it's in preview or if t hat's how it will be in the app.
It's always smooth on my devices just preview sucks.
Yeah that makes sense. The scene wrap has the same effect. But yeah thanks a lot that worked like a charm and was much more simple than what I was trying to do.