Is it possible to include OpenFeint into a GS game.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I think GameSalad should use Apple standards first... iAds before AdMob and Game Center before Open Feint.
1) iAds (money)
2) in-app purchases (money)
...and both of those together would make it easier to manage my apps in iTunes.
3) Game Center (strong community = money)
4) Pause (happy customers = money)
For a while I was looking for Android support... but that doesn't seem to be as important to me anymore. If I really needed to port my games, I could figure out a way. But since the Android Market doesn't have iAds and Game Center, it's not that important to me.
There are other features that are nice to have... like custom shapes for physics, vector graphics, keyboard support... but at least I'm able to figure out ways around that. For example, Commove was created based on limitations of GameSalad. I wanted to make a puzzle game, but I couldn't figure out how to make the characters interact with each other. When I found a happy medium, I found a unique system for the game.
Recently, Gendai Games improved the loading times. It's not perfect, but the hardware is getting faster and I'm getting better with my optimization tricks. It's not so much of an issue anymore.
It's been stated before here... with iAds and GameCenter, most of us are going to be too busy to complain about additional features... at least for a little while.
1. Better stability and speed... seriously, a 2D game running sluggishly on an iDevice when we have the likes of Need for Speed Shift as smooth as silk?
2. Pause.
3. Better working environment, zoom, loops, basic stuff.
3. In app purchasing.
4. Game Centre.
5. Better collision (how about using those transparencies?).
6. Video file support.
7. USB Gamepad support for Mac.
8. iAds (although I'll probably think of more important things to go before this one).
I now have to go and give a pause functionally individually to every single moving actor; enemies, animations and weapons?
In the whole game?
Every game?
Yea, Id pay an extra $99 just for pause feature
1. Pause
2. In-app purchasing
3. Wifi Multiplayer
4. Some type of leaderboard community like open feint or this so called game centre
Chop chop!!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...