allowing player to move after connecting to the platform. (file included)
i have a hero actor who is able to collide with the platform... however... whenever you fall from the platform and land on the ground if you still have the button pressed going towards the platform the hero will not go under the platform UNLESS you let go of the button and repress it so that it "resets" so to speak... please help.
I "think" shoukd check out some tutorials form @jamie_c He has a great turoial on moving many ways when jumping to and from platforms.
The top video may help you best...if I am understanding your issue correctly.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Me and @jamie_c ... We're trying to work together to figure it out I was just trying to pick other people's brains to see if they can help me resolve the problem... @tatiang and @socks feel free to help me out lol it's ANNOYING AS HECK and the only thing that is stopping me from progressing with my game
i honestly have no idea what the hell im doing you all... like no idea at all... i have tried messing with the code time and time again and im getting no resolve at all!