Need help on limit player action

How do i set a limit on how many times a action is done. Example, a player only has 10 tries to hit different objects. If player can hit 10 different objects the scene changes, if not, scene resets.
Change Attribute limit to -1
Then make a rule then change it to attribute and put when limit = 0 reset scene
Cheers, Weswog
In its Rules, for a duration of 2 seconds for instance, Interpolate self.color.Alpha to 1.
Timer, after 2 seconds go to next scene. (Or then also the opposite to fade up to a reset, destroying the actor, ignoring going to next scene).
when you're ready to use it, spawn it in position (0,0).
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
Thanks, gyroscope. Still trying to get fade to work.