[Solved] Power up works correctly...the first time
Ok I have an button actor on my scene that when pressed changes the game.state to 2. When game.state changes to 2 my main character's image changes and is constrained to the middle of the screen as the game.speed increases significantly. After five seconds the power up wears off and all attributes revert to what they were. My problem is that when I use the button actor again, it only alters the game.speed but does not constrain the main character to the middle of the screen nor change his image. I have display actors on the scene for all affected attributes and they are all reverting to what they were before the power up was fired. I'm not sure what the problem is...
May we see some screenshots of your code?
Are you sure you are changing every attribute back, including the power up one?
postimg.org/image/zb4juqjwz/Here are some links to the screenshots: postimg.org/image/cl5f1r0pf/
Oh gosh I just saw what the problem was. It is in neither of those actors but in my round rules actor. I had a a constrain attribute for my game.state where there should have been a change attribute. After the coding fired it was now constraining my game.state so that it wasn't able to change so that my power up could be used properly again.