Stuttering when previewing the Game with the Preview Button in Gamesalad
I just wanted to ask why it does stutter. (Look at the White actors on the top of the scene.) Here's my project file:
-Is it because of my Mac? (Then it should not appear when you open my project.)
-Is it just a Performance Issue of the Preview in Gamesalad and it will not appear on the iDevices?
-Or did I do something wrong. Then please correct my project.
Best Answers
jamie_c Posts: 5,772
Smooth as silk here too. Are you previewing at 100% or 50%? The 50% setting seems to slow things down a little for me, and that would certainly be a creator only thing...
I am on 10.10 but that should be not the problem. Other testers please
Guys I am sorry. I hate my MacBook Retina. (I preview it at a FullHD Display) I should have tested more it has to do with the ram. When you use it with more programs open then OS X creates this virtual ram. Then you need to kill all programs, restart game salad and then it will run fine. In my Windows Machine I had 16 gb Ram for gaming and now I have 4 4or working. NOT GOOD