Swipe Right - Actor changes velocity until collides with Actor
I'm new to Gamesalad and coding as well. With my game I am trying to swipe right. When you swipe right the actor will Change Velocity being able to go through the obstacle faster. I was able to get this all working. My problem is once you swipe the actor changes it's velocity and keeps on going till off the screen. I want the actor to ease back into the original position once he collides with another actor or is on a timer. How can I do this? Everything I have tried so far does not work.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
You need to make a new actor for him to collide with...lets call it barrier.
Then in your main actor make a rule 'if your actor overlaps/collides with barrier
change attribute self.x to what ever his starting position was.
Or, you could just reset the scene, and that should put him back
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Great that worked! Is there a way you can make that actor glide back to it's original spot instead of just appearing to the original spot?