Adding updates

tjjunior21tjjunior21 Member, PRO Posts: 50

I'm wondering if someone can help me with this. For some reason my game will not save a high score. I looked through all the videos and posts and coded my game the same exact way. I did see someone post that using Windows preview it probably won't save the high score, you would have to publish it. Here is my two part question. I did publish my game through Google Play store but it still does not save. I will post a screen shot of my code.

Secondly, when I get it figured out (hopefully) how do I send the changes to Google Play store so they are updated on everyone's phone who downloaded the game.


  • tjjunior21tjjunior21 Member, PRO Posts: 50

    When I uploaded this the add text code is below my high score rule and outside of that rule as well.

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