Horrible Editor Performance (Macbook with 16 GB RAM)
Since I moved to Yosemite, my GS editor performance became unbearably bad. I basically can't use GameSalad, cause everything takes so much more time. I'm using MacBook Pro 13 MC700 Core i5 2300 with 16 GB RAM update. At the same time Activity Monitor doesn't show nothing unusual, maybe except 7 GB ram usage.
I'm I the only one who has such a horrible editor performance?
Here's an example of Editor Performance problems I'm having.
@imGua I work on a Mac Pro with no issues. Sometimes I have to use my Macbook (early 2011 with Intel Core 2 Duo). It runs Yosemite as well, gamesalad behaves normal I guess, a bit slow sometimes, but not as bad as in your video.
Thanks. I've suspected that the main reason of the problem is not GameSalad. Otherwise I would see riots on forum
But still posted topic to make sure.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
@imGua Try this, it might be the case that you need to reset your SMC and/or PRAM.
I've again started to think that it's GameSalad. Right now GS is using 1.06 GB of my memory and this number is only increasing, I'm not sure that this is normal.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Did you tried resetting you SMC and PRAM?
Currently calling my friends to find appropriate screwdriver to remove battery.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Process did not go 100% according to the instruction. But it did reset the clock.
I don't think it did helped with performance problem. Guess it's time to get back to Mavericks. GS still supports Mavericks, right?
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
I am going to see what I can do next week with the performance issue the GC is causing.
@imGua I only have 8GB of RAM but my GameSalad/Mac have exactly the same 'symptoms' as the ones shown in your video. Not sure why though…
I did not do extensive testing yet. But looks like complete wipe and re-install of Yosemite helped ^_^
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Game salad and Yosemite don't work too well together. I've found larger projects work worse than small ones, and it seems that multiple use of the attribute browser slows things down as well
Reminds me of how it was a few years ago, save and reopen every 5 min. Good memories
That being said, I've been using Yosemite since it was released, the new features in both GS and Yosemite made the inconveniences worth it for me
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Yup, happens with earlier OSX versions as well when working with bigger projects in GS but maybe not as frequent as with Yosemite.
hehe, not so much no
There is nothing in GS that requires Yosemite. I'm running Mavericks myself with the latest GS and the latest Xcode.
The only thing I'm personally missing from not using Yosemite is the integrated device recording but there are other solutions for that.