Sound Issues?
Hey guys, I am having sound issues I'm hoping to get some help with. When a sound effect is triggered over and over again (like jumping) it begins to stop playing over time. I am not sure what is causing this. Is there some sort of sound memory limit in GS?
Anyway, I attached a small sample file of the the issue I am having for anyone who wouldn't mind taking a look and helping me with this issue. All you need to do it hit the play button and watch... er... I mean listen.
The boxes will play a bounce sound when hitting the walls and will play a boom sound when they collide. Within about 15 seconds or so the sounds will kind of stop working and then a little longer pretty much stop working.
Thanks for any help I get. This is beyond frustrating.
It plays fine in my mac, had it running for 2 minutes. Must be some type of bug with the windows creator.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I tried it on my wife's mac and the sound works just fine for me too.
So I'm guessing that the issue is with the GS Windows 0.10.5 version.
Does anyone know if this is a known bug/glitch that the GS developers are working on fixing for the next Windows version?
BTW, Thank you Lovejoy for your help.
Yeah I have probs with sound on my Windows version of GS (0.10.5) which is the latest stable version available to me.
I would try out the 0.12.1 nightly one since you are Pro you should be able download it.
Hopefully it has been fixed, but I can't say for sure until I can try it too.
Hope this helps
So I downloaded Windows Version 0.12.1 and - YES - it does fix the sound issue.

Unfortunately it is strongly recommended that I don't use it for production building.
With that said, I'm glad I don't have to worry about the sound glitch... eventually. But now I can't wait for Windows 0.12.1+ to be released as a stable version so I can play/work on my game the way it is meant to be played.
Thanks ogreofwart for your help.
Your welcome. I'm glad it works looking forward for it to be stable too.