Actors not recognizing collision newly width increased actor if it's already on top of them
I've got this enemy that, when you shoot it, spawns a bunch of smaller enemies that shoot laser beams in random directions. The laser beams are set up that they're a small image that gets stretched out until they're not longer visible on screen. The show up like this for maybe .3 seconds, then their attribute changes to be down to 8 pixels (so they're hidden behind the gun that's shooting them) then there's an attribute change back to the super long and stretched out version.
It's supposed to be a very fast and crazy moment whenever these things pop out, shooting unavoidable laser lines all over the place, so that's why I have them change attribute instead of expand.
The problem I'm having is that when the laser actor's width is suddenly changed to 2000 or whatever and that's overlapping and enemy, the enemy doesn't recognize that it just collided with the laser. I need them to, obviously, so I'm a little lost on what to do.
I tried interpolating with .02 seconds to see if maybe a really fast expansion like that would fix it, but it doesn't. Any ideas?
Well I made a fix by having an invisible "killer" actor shoot down the length of the laser beam extremely fast as soon as it was spawned, then have that killer actor be what the enemies were detecting for collision. I'm still interested in knowing if there's some other way to fix this as I had a few other things I wanted to make that had a similar function.
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