Spread actors evenly across the screen on any screensize?

Hey guys,
In my game there is a scene where there are 9 actors that go from one end (left) to the other (right).

The project is set up for iPad Landscape and these actors are on Y:384.

I'm trying to figure out a way to have it so that no matter what device the game is played on, these 9 actors will distribute along the X axis evenly across the whole screen width.

The first actor from the left is located at X:60 Y:384

I've added a 'change attribute' rule to each actor that changes their X position to the result of a formula. But I don't quite know what the formula should be so that it works on every device.

The formula I have now works when it's iPad but not other sizes.

Hopefully I've made some sense :smiley:

Thank you!


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