iPod/Phone Sales Vs iPad sales
Hi. Now the hype of the iPad has died and the new hype is on the 4G iPhone, how are people finding their iPad sales compare to their iPhone sales? I havent made an iPad game yet, just wondered how sales compare really?
I might be wrong, but just based on sales figures (for devices) compared to total app sales, considering that many wont get an iPad until a birthday or in particular Xmas which will see a price drop - it's likely to stay very strong for a good time yet.
The iPhone 4 is new - but the apps remain the same. For now.
While there is some hype surrounding the iPad, I believe the users are more discriminating and don't seem to buy as many apps. Couple that with a smaller user base and you end up with fewer purchases.
On Saturday, I released a flashlight app with a similar name to the flashlight that was recently pulled from the App Store and have been able to ride the buzz to 620 paid sales ranging from 99-2.99 as of Monday. With 100 million users with iTunes gift cards burning holes in there pockets, it seems like it is easier to make a bigger bang with iPhone apps.
I submitted an iPad version of the flashlight which will release soon, so I'll update this post once that has been out for a few days.
Good luck all!
And like I said earlier my iPad version of my apps have consistently been 33% of my iPhone / Touch... Even though they have nowhere near the market share.. Also the iPad version costs more...
Cheers! and either way money is good, wherever it comes from... As long as you dont steal it haha
@chosen, Here's an interesting read kinda supporting my point...