iads working most of the time but sometimes no ads at all. Help?

dabbuhldabbuhl Member, PRO Posts: 52

So, I have 4 games. I normally get about 8000 impressions a day. I have noticed that for 3-4 hours at a time with no pattern, there will be no requests or impressions at all. There will be several hours in a row with 300-500 impressions then 2 hours of no impressions at all followed by 300-500 again. I can't understand what's going on. During the time where there is no impressions at all, I turn on my iphone and play my game and get NO ads at all. If I wait until the impressions start back up, I can go back to the games and the ads are there.

Has anyone else had this problem? It is very frustrating to put so much time and effort in to game making and think that you could make some money on them with iAds but for 20-30% of the day, there is no ads.

Please let me know if or what I can do or is this just normal for games.


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