Amazon GameCircle problem
I´m trying to get leaderboards to work on Amazon GameCircle.
I´ve put the "platform log in" behavior on the main menu scene of my game. It´s in a timer and should fire after 0.5 seconds.
I also have a button for "show leaderboards" on the main menu, and on the game over scene.
Amazon rejected the game (for all kindle devices) saying the GameCircle functions didn´t work.
I tried the Amazon Live App Testing, and when i downloaded the file through it, any of the GC functions didn´t work.
The weird thing is:
After i generate the apk on the GS publishing, and ad hoc test on my tablet, everything works fine. It prompts me to log in to GameCircle, Leaderboard shows up, and score is posted after the game.
Any idea what could be wrong?
Logging in to game circle can be slow. If I login from my Android phone(not Kindle) it can take upto a minute believe or not and thats through my wifi!
I would take it out of the timer and just have it as a general login. And/or, have a prompt that does the login if they achieve a highscore/achievement.
Also, make sure that your leaderboard ID matches - all lower case, no spaces or underscores.
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That´s the weird thing. The rules i´ve set up seems to be correct, because they all work as they should when i adhoc test. They stop working after i upload the apk to Amazon and download the app through Live App Testing.
Mental Donkey Games
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I tested the adhoc version again (where everything works as should).
It seems that if I try to open the leaderboard before it logs in to the GC, the leaderboard won't open. Is this normal?
In the app that I download through the Live App Testing, it seems that the login rule doesn't seem to fire / work for some reason. I changed the login rule to fire instantly without a timer.
Anyone have any ideas what could be wrong?
Mental Donkey Games
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Yeah you must login first before do you anything. Another way to check, is complete one of your achievements. The game will look to post the achievement and should prompt a login 'welcome guest' with the Game circle login
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I don't have achievments in the game. Only the leaderboard
Mental Donkey Games
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Just to be clear. In the GS publishing, under services -> amazon. I should have the API on both, the android API Key and the Kindle API Key, since i want it to be available on non-kindle devices too?
I ran the App Testing Service on Amazon. (Where it checks your apk file and notifies if there are any problems) and i got the following:
What does that exactly mean, and could that be the problem?
edit: Just to add. There is an iAP to remove ads, and it is working on the Live App Testing.
Mental Donkey Games
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It just means that if you are using the Google IAP, it wont work on Kindle devices. If you have removed it from the scene, it will still detect the code for it. I normally make 2 versions of a game - one for Kindle and one for Google as it makes life easier for things like this, and the SDK for chartboost.
But you can still publish as it on Amazon, without a problem
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Ok, thanks.
Going to doublecheck that i have everything set up correctly in GS, Amazon, and the GS publishing...
Mental Donkey Games
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I think i found the problem.
I somehow missed the part where i need to assign the app to the security profile.
Just submitted the app for review again, waiting for the results.
Mental Donkey Games
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cool. fingers crossed
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That was it. The game was approved with no issues. Thanks for helping @jigglybean
I'll be releasing it in a week or two. Just want to get the iOS version out there at the same time.
Mental Donkey Games
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Nipdadidit! congrats!
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