Cant change music volume, and music doesn't loop seamlessly.
hey guys. My first game is now ready for publishing, but there one last thing i need to fix. its regarding the soundtracks. I can't seem to turn down the music volume so that it is quieter than the sound volume. Ive tried changing the game.Music Volume, but that did nothing. I know i can just change the volume of the project file for my soundtrack, but it would be nice to be able to do it in GS.
Also, my soundtracks (all .WAV files) loop seamlessly when played anywhere else, but when i import to GS click the 'loop' option, there a a very small gap between the end and where it loops back to the beginning. it there a way to fix this? Cheers
Make sure your script is correct for changing the music volume, maybe post a picture of the rules you have for it would help.
If you hear a small gap in the sound on the GS creator, that's normal. It should play fine once you test it on a device. Something about the way GS Creator handles audio files that just has that little skip when playing it in a loop.
hi @SlickZero , thanks for responding. Yeah you were right about playing through a device, its much better. still a slight gap, but its much better than before. As i want all the soundtracks in the game to be permanently quieter than the sounds, all im doing for changing the music volume is going into Game > Devices > Audio and changing the Muisc volume to 0.5. But this isn't working. Ive also tried change attribute - game.Music Volume - 0.5. That doesn't work either. Starting to think ill just have to change the actual audio file instead.