Can i use same revmob media id in my all apps?
Hello friends!, I want to use revmob ad in my apps.
Can i use same revmob media id in my all apps?
Or need to create different media id for different apps.
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Best Answers
RabidParrot Formally RabidParrot. Posts: 956
It would be beneficial to create a media id for each app. You can then see which apps are bringing in the money and which apps need to be adjusted. Just my opinion.
RabidParrot Formally RabidParrot. Posts: 956
If your only goal is to make money through revmob you don't necessarily need a campaign.
Unfortunately, I don't have an answer to your orientation question. I've recently removed all revmob ads from my applications. I now use Chartboost which I find more useful and user friendly.
Thanks for your opinion @Rabid Parrot .
For using revmob ad in my app, i need to create campaigns or not? i read somewhere that campaigns need to create for advertiser.
Another problem, my app mode is landscape. but revmob ad is always shown in portrait mode while testing? have you faced this problem?
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@Rabid Parrot Thanks friend..
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I'm having the exact same orientation problem with Revmob. I switched from Playhaven because the ads were completely upside down, so I guess sideways is an improvement? I think this only occurs for iPhone 6 but not sure what's going on. Did you get this fixed or do I need to try a third ad network?
The problem occurs also iPhone 5. I don't find any solution at now
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