how to grab and throw something
I want to create an actor, let call it an "apple." I want to be able to grab this actor and throw it somewhere on the screen. When it stops i want to grab it again and throw it from where it landed. How do i do this?
I want to create an actor, let call it an "apple." I want to be able to grab this actor and throw it somewhere on the screen. When it stops i want to grab it again and throw it from where it landed. How do i do this?
Demo file attached.
That demo is exactly how i want my grab and throw to work. I have the same rules set up for my actor but for some reason when i grab my actor after throwing it, The actor immediately returns to the bottom left corner of the screen (while the mouse button is clicked in). How do i make it so the actor does not move to the bottom left corner when i click it.
When you run the demo project I made for you do you also experience the same issue.
No it works great on the demo. I have looked at all the game attributes and scene attributes and have them all set up the same, so i can't figure out why it would be working differently on my game then it is on the demo.
Then I suspect you are not using exactly the same rules ?
There are no scene attributes or game attributes in my demo project.