Spawning animated image in the wrong place?

If you see the above image once I click the textbox I want the kitties to animate which are several actors, I can make the animations work if I use a textbox as a timer but I find that to be annoying and think a click should garner several actors animating eachother at the same time more efficiently but I can't figure out which is the right command to make this work.

I put a rule in the textbox actor that when I click on the mouse on it to animate the kitties in the cages but instead of animating the kitty image, the textbox is now animating!!! To make things more annoying, the textbox animation will only work as long as the mouse is clicking continually on the textbox, once you release it the image returns to the left image which is what I don't want.

How do you after clicking on the textbox initiate the other actors to animate continually? I was able to create a prototype attirubte so that the images spawn on the right X and Y position but not animate them when I want them to only animate continually nonstop which is what I dont want.

I was able to make a table text function work finally!! but as you see the font is really tiny and only uses a teeny tiny piece of space of the textbox, I'd like a larger font to use two spaces of text on the box but I can't make that work either. Would I have to put 2 one lines of text on the table? That seems annoying to make so many actors.

Finally last thing, I created for this test game three Game attributes that will change when the scene starts for the cat petting job, I made the number change the way I want to when the scene begins (not shown in the image). BUT!!!! I want the game numerical values to change AFTER the text box is clicked not when the scene starts. Is there a rule I can make to make the attributes change after I click the textbox?

Thanks!!! I am using the Windows version of the program.


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited February 2015


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949

    Actors can communicate through the use of game attributes. You can, for example, have one actor change a game-level boolean from false to true and then have another actor do something (e.g. animate) when that boolean attribute is true.

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