What is the chance to getting all of the best/veteran GS users to work together?

Hello GS folks
My name is Clock! I barely talk in forum and I haven't introduce myself since I joined GS in 2011. Please Excuse me! Because I am shy! :) I have a question to ask all members in GS forum. Just asking..

Imagine all the best/veteran GS users gather together to make a game. Would it be more successful than just one or two work together? Let me make a logical assumption if we work together:

-better ideas
-less cost (time&money)
-more contents
-better level design

The reason why i have this assumption because i am a soloist. I always thought i could pull this off. It is possible but its very hard. The hardest part is Time and Amount of Works for making a Good game. Not just that, you also have to do the marketing. With these amount of work, it is almost unbearable. I guess this is what happen being an indie developer. I know some of you have your own ideas and want to make your own game. Hey! Lets say this group project is a side project or a test to see how things go. What do you think?

Thanks for reading!


  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    edited February 2015

    Im not even sure who the top developers are tbh because only a small number of GS users come on the forums but i think you would be better off getting an artist and musician and learning how to use GS yourself and if you get stuck seek out code services from people like @gingagaming

    You will be hard pushed to get people to work for free or on a rev share which in todays market is basically the same :P I charge $400 a day for client work and I'm turning away work because I'm too busy so if your going to hire 3 top GS devs its going to cost over $1000 a day.

    The only way i would work as part of a team for free is if all the money from sales was going to charity or a good cause.

    It doesn't matter how good your game is its all about the marketing and hype you generate while its in development, you need to get the big review sites, bloggers, youtube channels interested to have a chance because apple keep a close eye on the games Touch Arcade feature and more often than not if you get a feature there you will be featured by Apple.

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