Sorry that I've been posting a lot of questions, but I have a timer set to every random(5-9) seconds and in the timer I have the animation behavior but all it does is quickly flash one image for a split second and goes away and doesn't play the animation.
Best Answer
SlickZero Houston, TexasPosts: 2,870
What's happening is that the number is chosen by the random timer, lets say it's 5 seconds. The animation starts, but then it stops because the timer is no longer at 5 seconds because it's now at 6 seconds and beyond.
Edit: I see you figured it out! Sweet.
I have this exact same problem would be great if someone could help out.
I figured it out.

just put another timer in it saying for how many seconds
You can't have an Every + random timer, the concept doesn't make any sense.
Every means 'all', while random generates a list of different numbers, so you are saying 'doing the following (behaviours/rules) every different amount of seconds' - 'every' doesn't make sense in this context.
And it doesn't work ! Well it works, but how you'd expect it to work, it generates a single random number and uses that every time the timer cycles, so if the random number selected is 7, then the timer will trigger the behaviours/rules within it every 7 seconds. Which makes sense.
Also an Every timer will not run until after the length of time specified, so if the random number chose was 6, you might hit play, see nothing happen, then return to your code before sitting out the 6 seconds thinking nothing was happening.
Yeah, I noticed that with the random, but I could make it random by making a table.