Has anyone else had a revenue drop with chartboost?

I usually get an average revenue of $0.50 to $7 per day from my app on chartboost, however over the past 2+ weeks this has flat lined to straight up 0? Is anyone else having this problem? I currently get an average of 50 bootups per day and 150-300 interstitial served, pretty much same as before, if not slightly more.


  • nova45711nova45711 Member Posts: 4

    Also forgot to mention, most of this comes from static ads. I've recently added rewarded videos, however haven't had any revenue from this yet.

  • phamtasticphamtastic Member, PRO Posts: 354

    Nothing unusual for me... it has been up and down. I usually get 1000+ impressions which average $3-$10 a day.

  • ycanycan Member, PRO Posts: 207

    As same with you. I have really big drop in last 2 weeks.

  • nova45711nova45711 Member Posts: 4

    hmm, not sure why the change on my end :\
    Are the above numbers normal in my case then?

  • metametmetamet Member, PRO Posts: 80

    What are your full stat line: have you driven any installs? 150-300 impressions is not enough to say this isnt just random chance.

  • nova45711nova45711 Member Posts: 4

    Is see, this is my first time actually using an ad network in a project, so im not to sure on whats normal & what works. I have a total of 1400 installs at the moment on android and ios. peaks are usually at 70-90 installs with 500-600 impressions per day on weekends (still $0 for last 2 though)

  • jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584

    Variety of reasons behind it, but most common is that either the user already has the app installed (thats being advertised) or they aren't interested.

    Considering updating your app to keep retention and generate new users.

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