Why is the Red loading screen at start of my game?
Hi guys,
I got my apps up on iTunes, but I notice that there is an odd red loading screen at the beginning of both games. Did I do something wrong when making the app or is this standard for GS games? I already made a main screen with only a play button, so not sure why I would need it. Here is a screenshot of it.
Did you add a splash screen when publishing?
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Uh...not sure what a splash screen is. I didn't add one. Is it because I filled out the "iAd app Network" on iTunes connect account info? I don't have adds but put the info in they wanted anyways.
When you click publish in Gamesalad creator, it takes you to a website( gamesalad publishing portal) where you fill out your apps information. In the publishing portal you will see an area to add images for the initial splash screen when the app starts. Go back and make sure you uploaded images in those areas.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
Cool thanks Lovejoy. I'm on it.