How to make actors bounce off things on its own
I have these spawners spawning cubes and the cubes have the behavior move in it. How do I make the cube bounce away when it hits something instead of still moving in that direction when it hits another actor. Thank you for your help
Best Answer
Socks London, UK.Posts: 12,822
@Cowuniverse said:
I worked it out by doing this if anyone else has this problem.GameSalad has a very powerful built it physics engine, you should just use that, I would get rid of all those rules/behaviours and just replace them with a collide (with object) behaviour and change the Move behaviour to a Change Velocity behaviour.
Your problem was caused by the Move behaviour.
Example file attached:
Put the collide behavior In the cube actor.
Mental Donkey Games
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I did
I worked it out by doing this if anyone else has this problem.
Thank you. I thought there had to be an easier way.